“Betagen fermented milk” is produced from the selection of high quality raw material from world’s leading material source and made by fermentation with high quality probiotics and live Lactobasillus Casei in milk until getting sour taste with tremendous benefits. The consumers will gain benefits not only from high quality fermented milk but also from good microorganisms.
Probiotics in Betagen can live under acidity in human stomach so they can provide better digestive system and excretory system. Moreover, they also protect and kill bacteria in intestine. Therefore Betagen can adjust balance efficiently to your intestine.
In addition, microorganisms in Betagen can reduce constipation, boost immune system, increase calcium absorption, prevent and reduce diarrhea. Therefore the consumers with diarrhea can take fermented milk and yoghurt to reduce this symptom.
Drinking fermented milk is having both lactic acids and live microorganisms in milk. Every time you drink fermented milk, you do not only receive high nutrients, but also receive live microorganisms to your body. These microorganisms will help adjust in balancing your intestine environment. They will stop your diarrhea, dysentery and cure stomach’s wound. Morevover, Betagen can make your body fresh and energetic. Therefore Betagen is an option to reduce exhaustion from drinking alcohol. These microorganisms make drinking yogurt a health benefit.
So we can see that Betagen is useful in many ways. It’s not only tasty for people of all ages, but also useful for consumers’ health.
“Tasty Everyday, Trusty Betagen”
Credit: http://www.priewmagonline.com/
There is a very popular food for health concern people. Anyone who want to be healthy would know. It calls “probiotic” . The health benefit of probiotic became viral for its delicious good taste and it will not cause a constipation. People who have it regularly will have a better health. So many of them who wanted to be trendy were rushing to supermarket to buy probiotic food to consume with very little knowledge about it.